News2022 Gift Sale at Canvas + Clay Gallery!November 30, 2022October Arts Alive: ROYALSSeptember 20, 2022Canvas + Clay does the Humboldt County Fair!August 18, 2022FOLLOW US canvas.and.clay This Saturday, Nov. 2nd Arts Alive! is our closing This Saturday, October 5th, Arts Alive! join us fo This Saturday September 7th Arts Alive! 6-9pm, ple ARTS ALIVE! SATURDAY AUG 3, 6-9pm CANVAS + CLAY G MYSTERY IN THE DEEP opens this Saturday for Arts A This Saturday, May 4, Arts Alive! 6-9pm, is our cl Our next exhibition, STORYLINE, opens April 6th du Happy Valentine’s Day from Canvas + ClayBo Load More... Follow on Instagram CANVAS + CLAY STUDIO 272 C Street, Eureka, CA 95501 M-F 9-2 (707) 443-1428info@canvasandclaystudio.orgDONATE NOWSign Up For Our Mailing List Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: